Arnold & Jessica’s Flower Field Engagement in Southern California

Oh, Arnold & Jessica. I truly loved this session & I hope you all take some time to read their sweet story on this “typical Tuesday night”. ;)

I met Jessica & Arnold for the very first time at the parking lot that entered into the gorgeous flower fields we were fortunate to find & use as the backdrop of their session! My first immediate impression of them was how tall they were! I’m not super short, but I definitely had to stand on my tippy toes quite a few times! :) Right off the bat, and from the impressions I got of them through emails, my second impression of them was just how genuine they both are. As the shoot progressed, I also loved how funny they are together, and I definitely felt so much peace being around them! It was a truly beautiful day, and John & I loved being around them! They shared much of their story, and I can’t wait to share bits and pieces of it with you along with their sweet engagement session! :)

The day of their session was a warm one! It was during those warmer spring days that would end up quite chilly at night! Their session started earlier in the afternoon, and ended as the sun set over the horizon, so we got to experience both the warmth of the sun and the cool wind all in one day! It was quite an adventure of a day as we trekked through the sweet flower fields & ended up back at Santa Rosa Plateau!

Arnold met Jessica at a home Bible Study group for their church. Jessica was new to their church, and Arnold was down from school in NorCal, visiting family & friends! Their first impressions of each other? 

My first impression of her was she was cute! My first false impression of her was that she was coming out of a relationship looking to date (LOL)” // Arnold

“He was more of an acquaintance because I wouldn’t see him often but during the times he did come back, I got the impression that he was family oriented (he always came down to visit his family), and he seemed like a laid back baller with a buzz cut and always wearing basketball shorts and Nike T shirts and sometimes even socks with sandals X_X lol” // Jessica

Haha! I always love hearing how each couple viewed one another at the start of their relationship, and seeing it compared to how they see one another now. :)

“We started out as friends. We were on the media team together and one time we had to go print senior retreat invitations and he made some sort of excuse to grab ice cream together afterwards LOL. I feel like I knew he had interest after that.

Later on, I was working really close to where he worked and lived, so he would ask if I wanted to have lunch together. The first time we had lunch together was at a sandwich shop close to my work. And there were a couple times where he would pick up food for us and we would just have lunch together in the car because my lunch break was so short! (30min) But I thought it was sweet that he was willing to come eat with me even for a short 30 min.

Then after a string of unofficial lunch dates, he randomly asked if I wanted to come over for dinner with his family. I was pretty surprised because we weren’t officially dating and we hadn’t even DTR’d, but I ended up going and I met his parents, sister, and brother-in-law. It was really cute, and it confirmed my huge suspicion of him having feelings for me! Haha

We started having more consistent lunch and dinner hang outs, and one day he just decided to DTR. It was really funny because I could tell he was nervous (LOL), but it was cute because he was open about his intentions of wanting to date towards marriage, but also wanting to give me space and take it slow given the fact that my mother had passed away a couple months prior. “

If you’re beginning to sense how wholeheartedly sweet these two are, you’re on the right track. 

“I was attracted by [Jessica’s] love for God, and thought she was very beautiful. I remember I would accidentally catch myself staring at her during homegroup LOL. She was also very willing to serve and was down to help out using her talents (design & photography)…
[Jessica is] loving, caring, & faithful. She is loving because she has so much love for God and the people around her; She is caring because she cares on people, especially people that are new and don’t have people to talk to; And she is faithful because she is faithful to God and His plans, and super faithful & trustworthy to me!” // Arnold

“I liked that [Arnold] seemed like a very loyal, goofy, sweet, and family oriented (he has a good relationship with his parents and sisters) guy. He’s very simple in the way where he’s kinda like an open book. I think it’s really refreshing to be with someone who has nothing to hide and doesn’t scheme or over think things…” // Jessica

Three words Jessica used to describe Arnold now: “Sweet. Steadfast. Goofy.”

So how did these two end up engaged?? 

While they were dating, Jessica mentioned to Arnold how she had never been surprised in her life. So of course, Arnold (who didn’t believe her) made it his mission to try surprising her! While a birthday surprise he had for her had failed (she sneakily found out), he worked hard & ended up surprising her with a very special & big surprise–one that included a ring!

“My friend just came back from a work trip and asked to have dinner with me. She met me at my apartment and as we were headed out, she pointed to the small park in my complex and asked me what it was, when I looked over I saw Arnold standing there with candles and balloons set up (funny thing is I didn’t even know it was him LOL it was dusk and he was kind of standing far away so i thought he was a security guard and that there was some community event going on at the park cause of the balloons so it took me a minute to realize it was him). I walked up to him and he took my hand and began telling me what he loved about me. He seemed so nervous and I didn’t know why until I looked back and saw our close friends and family watching and filming with their phones haha! After his sweet speech, he got down on one knee and asked. But the surprise wasn’t over! He had a surprise pizza party dinner set up in the clubhouse in the community with our friends and family so that we could celebrate with our loved ones immediately after.”

In Arnold’s words, he got her “2 for 2!” :) 

The shot right above this sentence was taken after a series of bloopers (that Arnold & Jessica get to keep for themselves forever) in which Arnold got to use Jessica’s hands as a puppet! It was his favorite part of the session–he made her into a T-Rex! HAHA!

For quite a while of the beginning of their friendship/relationship, Jessica & Arnold were long distance! I love a memory Jessica shared that she remembered from their dating relationship! 

“I don’t know if I have a favorite memory haha! It’s so hard for me to choose favorite anythings! I remember when we first started talking, he was still in NorCal and we would text and snapchat constantly, like literally daily and throughout the day.

I remember one time afterwork we decided to watch a movie together for some reason (ok I’m aware that it may sound lame when put into words LOL) we watched Pitch Perfect together by pushing the play button at the same time on our laptops. So it was like we were watching it together even though we physically couldn’t be together! Lol It was fun cause we would insert our own commentary and make fun of all the bad scenes. It’s silly, but I think it just showed how much we enjoyed talking with each other and spending time together even though we were miles away!

Haha! I love that! Sometimes it takes creativity to figure out how to make long distance work, and that’s such a sweet idea! :)

Arnold couldn’t pick a favorite memory either, but the sentiment he shared instead was just so sweet!!

“I don’t know if there was one specific memory, but I think overall, I’m so happy to be with Jess because of all the things we went through. We had a lot of ups and downs, had our time of waiting, and in the end we ended up together. Praise the Lord!”

While some of their story is for only them to share, I can attest to what Arnold said about the patience they both had through this process of coming to be together. For some people, a relationship comes together in the simplest of ways, and for others, it’s a bit complicated–both stories are beautiful in their own way. Arnold & Jessica had a slightly more convoluted beginning story, but how they waited on the timing of the Lord is so beautiful. :)


I am far from perfect LOL! I’m not as selfless, patient, and gracious as I thought I was. Fortunately though, when you find the right person, they love you regardless of your imperfections and walk with you as you smooth out your rough edges.” // Jessica

YES. I can wholeheartedly identify with these words Jessica shared. It’s funny how you see yourself in a different light in relationships. It can be discouraging at times, but when it’s that right person, they help point you back to Truth & grace, & walk with you in that. I personally think that’s what makes marriage so absolutely beautiful.

Arnold’s statement on what he learned throughout their relationship is beautiful, too! 

I learned that dating for marriage isn’t just about your own happiness, it’s about sacrifice and helping bring [each other] closer to God.

Amen. It’s hard to remember that every day, but I think when you put that into perspective in daily life & when things get a bit challenging, it helps give you clearer vision in how to respond, react & grow!

“[My favorite part of the session was] just stepping away from our busy schedules to spend quality time with each other in such beautiful places!” // Jessica

These two are quite busy with work & serving at church, so I loved getting to make some time for them to spend quality time with one another! I felt so privileged to get to spend time with them both & hear the stories they had to share with John & I. :)

“Marriage isn’t about attaining happiness or fulfilling the dreams you had about family and relationships when you were young. The commitment you make in marriage is about choosing to love someone daily for the rest of your life. Love is a choice, not a feeling.” // Jessica

As we ended and drove back to their cars, the sun had set and things were chilly, but I remember feeling just so fully of love & joy after spending time with them. :)

I asked if Jessica & Arnold had any words of encouragement, or any words of advice they’d held onto during their relationship that they’d like to share, and here’s what they shared:

Sometimes people just need to be heard and understood. Listening and trying to understand from a non-judgmental perspective goes a long way. “// Jessica

“Trust in the Lord and be patient and the Lord will make your paths straight!” // Arnold

Also from Arnold: “Happy wife, happy life.” HAHA yes. ;) 

YAY ARNOLD & JESSICA! I can’t wait to be shooting your wedding (that’s coming up in less than a WEEK)!! 

Happy Tuesday, everyone!