Preview: Eric & Emmeline E-Session + Other Weekend Duties | Walnut & Los Angeles, CA

Weekends for photographers are probably the most exciting times. Why? Because it’s when all the action happens. Typically most wedding, photoshoots, client meetings, etc. happen to fall on either a Friday, Saturday or a Sunday. This past weekend for me happened to be Saturday through Monday!

Saturday I had the pleasure of photographing the lovely Eric & Emmeline (whose preview you will find at the bottom of this blog!) at some amazingly personal locations! It wasn’t only a time for them to be photographed, but my Diakonia Collective co-worker, Chris, got to also record them for their special engagement video! John got to second for the both of us this weekend! :) (**Make sure to scroll down to see some behind the scene shots as well as their cute preview at the end!!)

Sunday was an evenly packed day: I got to relax and enjoy the presence of old & new friends after a blessed time at church, and then I had a wonderful client meeting with Grace & Sam, whose proposal you might have seen before (here). :)

I ended Sunday night at Grace’s house (whom you may have seen assisting me on shoots, or as Chris’s other second). John, Chris & I, as Diakonia Collective, had the pleasure of assisting her in a personal video project she’s working on! During this time, I got to take some photos and location scout at a location I’ve been dying to shoot at (& just visit in general): The Griffith Observatory.

I had no idea there’d be so many people there on a Monday! It was pretty sweet to be up there and look around! I’d love to come again as a tourist and visit it at night! Star gazing is absolutely wonderful! :)

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Unfortunately it was a bit of a smoggy day in LA (pretty typical), but we still got to see the city scape to an extent! :)


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John & Chris can be two goofballs that like to act cool (in photographs).


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I had John sneak in one photo of me looking out of a telescope up there! :)


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After we got a shot for Grace’s project and headed out, a hummingbird had flew past us to say “goodbye.” Thankfully I noticed it fly into a bush, and I whipped out my camera to photograph it resting there! I must have been sitting there for a good couple minutes while it stood still, resting on the branch! I thought it would have flown away much quicker!

Hummingbirds are known for how fast they flap their wings, and their constant movement (also for their beauty). In a small sense I felt like after a long & busy weekend, God was using this little hummingbird to remind me to find rest and peace in Him during by busyness.  :)


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**NOW, to highlight a moment many of you readers have been waiting for: A Preview of Eric & Emmeline’s Engagement Session!

Here are a couple behind the scene shots of Chris & John working on the engagement video before my session began! :)


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They are an absolutely adorable and fun couple! John couldn’t help (silently) laughing as he held the mic!


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For example…


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& Now, the moment you all have been waiting for… the Sneak Peek from their E-Session!


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I absolutely love this quick shot of Eric & Emmeline laughing and enjoying one another’s presence! I got a lot of this (their chemistry) during their session! I can’t wait to share with you all the rest of their shoot!

If you want to stay up to date with Eric & Emmeline’s engagement photoshoot, make sure to take a little stop to my Facebook Page and be sure to “like” it and become a fan!

Happy Tuesday! :)