Jonathan’s Birthday

We just celebrated darling Jonathan’s 6th birthday not too long ago! Aside from photography, baking is one of my favorite hobbies. Cooking is pretty fun, too, but nothing beats making sweets to eat. ;)

For his birthday, little Jonathan only had one wish. “Margie, can you make me a chocolate cake?” What kind of a sister would I be if I didn’t grant his one birthday wish from me? Thus, after dropping him off at school, I began baking him his chocolate cake. You can find the recipe I used here.



Once he came back from school, he was ecstatic to see his cake with a huge sprinkled six on it. Anxious to eat it, he could barely sit still enough for me to take a decent picture of him. Problem with little boys who are hams: They LOVE making silly faces, and rarely like to just smile. :)



After we cut up and devoured that delicious chocolate cake, I pulled him to the backyard and had a photoshoot! Of course! :)




This is his cute little taekwondo-hapkido “hiiyah!” face. :)

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He saw an airplane! Haha :)

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I then pulled out Stephen and made him take a few pictures with Jonathan! Such handsome boys! :)




Happy Birthday Jonathan! :)