Breshon & Isaac Wedding | Edwards Mansion, Redlands, CA

It’s always been about the little things for Breshon and Isaac. With one of Breshon’s favorite bible verses being Matthew 25:23 (“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.Come and share your master’s happiness!”), Breshon fell in love with a man who also was faithful to take care of the little things he was given. For example, one of the biggest examples of his faithfulness to take care of little things was demonstrated and revealed on the day of their wedding. The day Breshon moved up to Washington to be nearer to Isaac after they got engaged, a package came along with her from her dad to Isaac. Inside of it was a small green marble was given with the message, “If you can’t hold onto this marble until the wedding, you can’t marry my daughter.” Thank God that Isaac held onto that marble with dear life for over a year so that we could all witness their beautiful love at the alter. :) Light definitely shined down on their wedding, as it happened on a day that followed after a week of very unusual weather–there were rainy days, hot summer days and cold winter days, as well. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, but not too cold, and Edwards Mansion looked beautiful! Breshon, Isaac, I wish you both such a wonderful marriage! May you guys both continue on in loving one another with your small acts of faithfulness and love! :)

Before my team and I reached Edward Mansion, I picked up a little treat for the bride. :)


To start the day, Breshon got her make up done by a friend and her team of students!


And then her other friend did her hair. Amazing! She was blessed with many talented friends!

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Meanwhile, Isaac was hard at work getting ready, too!


In the middle of getting ready, Breshon sent her flower girls with a little present and note to her “Chocolate Man.”



As I mentioned before, Isaac is a man who took good care of the little things that he was given–including a watch Breshon got him when they first started dating, a watch she purchased with the money she could at the time. He kept it and treated it with so much care, as if it costed the weight of gold. To reward him for his act of just care and faithfulness to that small watch, Breshon gave him a brand-spanking-new Michael Khors watch! Such a sweet and touching gift! :)



Once Breshon put on her dress, she came down the stairs to see her father, who welcomed her into his arms with tears in his eyes because of how beautiful she looked.Atkins_Wedding_0035Atkins_Wedding_0037Atkins_Wedding_0036

Breshon was (is) beautiful. :)


Before the wedding began, Breshon and Isaac met, not for a first-look, but for a prayer over their wedding and the union that was to form. :) It was such a precious moment!


And then the ceremony began. :)

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Their ceremony was another thing to mention! Probably one of the funniest ceremonies I have ever watched! Something so greatly evident in their relationship during the minutes they were at the alter was how comfortable and at ease they were with one another. They joked and were silly, and their love for one another was so magnified. :)

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You can see more of their love during their reception! :)


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They even did the “Wedding Wobble”! Haha Youtube it! It was so fun! :)

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Something you could also definitely see at their reception was how much SWAG they all had! :) SO FUN!

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Such goofballs! :)


Breshon & Isaac had a beautiful cup-cake tower with a cake at the top! :) Special thanks to Shantel of “Cake ‘n’ It Up” (951-588-3558) for the beautiful work you did on their wedding cake tower! It looked amazing and it was delicious! :)

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Such a lovely family! Haha ;)


Try as they did, it was a bit too difficult to get the two of them together for this shot! Haha but it was a fun try! :)


Alas, they were still able to make up for it in the later shots! ;) Breshon & Isaac are such a beautiful couple!

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After a full day in heels and running about, we ended their shoot with this lovely picture of how exhausted they were. Haha! :)Atkins_Wedding_0061

& Lastly, of course, I had to take a picture with my friends! :) Congratulations to the both of you! You are such wonderful people inside and out!


I also wanted to give a special shout out to my team! I worked this wonderful day with John Kwok, graphic designer & second shooter (, and Christopher Ahn, videographer (website in the works). They did wonderful and never missed a beat! :)


And lastly, here’s this great shot of myself, having to be carried after my feet were torn apart by my shoes. Long story short, my black flats disappeared and I was forced to wear new & unbroken wedges that killed my feet while I trucked on (don’t you hate when that happens?). But honestly, I didn’t feel it til the very end, thank God!  Take THAT, shoes! A pair of painful shoes won’t keep me from taking photos! ;)

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Check out the awesome video Chris, from Chris Ahn Productions made for Breshon & Isaac! :)

Happy Tuesday, everyone! :)